Fees and bursaries


The school is a registered charity and its entire income is used to meet its running costs. Each term is paid in full and in advance before the 1st session starts, it isn’t possible to pay per session unless the child is exceptionally registered later during the term. The fees per session and per child are as follows (Siblings enjoy a 10% discount on the lessons fees):

  • £13.50 per session at La Petite Ecole (Petite and Moyenne Sections)

  • £15.20 per session at La Petite Ecole Grande Section, Maidenhead only

  • £17.50 per session at La Grande Ecole and GCSE sections (Grande Section to GCSE)

The annual membership comes to £29 and the contribution to the teaching materials £15, a grand total of £44 per child and per year. There is no need to be attending the school to be a member, the annual membership also gives you access to our French books and video library as well as our cultural events.


We offer bursaries for pupils after examination of their individual records. This bursary grants free lessons. Please contact our administrative team for more information at info@123soleil.co.uk.

Please use our online contact form if you have further queries.